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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

IF Blog Halloween Ramble

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween!  Mine was great because I was able to take my babies trick-or-treating.  Unfortunately there were no after parties for me to go to, so I thought I would use something from last Halloween for today's picture. I promise this blog will be back on track next week or you can draw and quarter me.

Starting next week I will be giving you a diet overview and better updates.  Using alternate day fasting has been extremely easy, so the diet portion isn't really that complicated. I'll go over a few more things and answer any questions in my email. My work schedule kind of dictates the exact days that I am able to update so please bear with me.

Here is a pic from last Halloween. I dressed up as a former co-worker. That was a fun and crazy night! I was 205lbs and 8%BF in that pic

Until next week!

OK, I decided to update, as discussed with a few friends Anyway I don't feel there is any significant improvement since last week