Hi all! I had some setbacks this week, as in I met with some friends on different days and ended up drinking. I busted my macros for 4 days straight. Only fasted for 1 day this week. It's not that this diet is hard (it isn't), it's just that some unexpected opportunities arose and I didn't want to miss out!
What I learned:
- It's easier for me to eat nothing (zero cal) on fasting days vs getting the allotted discretionary cals
- IF/ADF is easy if you stay busy
- Hunger doesn't even register after a couple of ADF's
- Missed the gym way too often and it definitely hampered my progress (should have been faster)
- I never felt weak or dizzy (NOT ONCE!) even during fasted HIIT
I tried IF alone for the 16/8 and 20/4 and I failed miserably. Decided to try this again and go in 100%. It works faster than no/low carb, but is infinitely easier to maintain. It saves me time as I don't worry about eating 3 days a week, and I eat what I want the other 4 days. This diet is less stressful than normal cutting (for me). Here is the 1 month progress pic.
Since I found this diet easy to maintain, I am going to give it another month. I will post weekly updates, This time I will make sure that I hit the gym way more religiously, and I truly expect amazing results through November.